How Do We Use Your Gifts?

"If there was a bus coming at our kids, we would jump in front of that bus. There is a bus. It’s hitting now. We need to take action now. Their future is in our hands.”
—Mindy Lubber, CEO and President, Ceres

At Ceres our work is often fluid, responding to the greatest needs of the moment—but our principles remain steadfast. We know that what we do now will build a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. A legacy gift to Ceres allows us to use every resource needed today with confidence that our work can continue tomorrow.

Examples of how we use your gifts to carry out our work include:

  • Thought Leadership: Our experts develop strategies and plans for the world’s most pressing sustainability issues.
  • Advocacy: We leverage our deep relationships with companies and investors to make the case on Capitol Hill and in legislative halls.
  • Coalitions and Collective Impact: We partner with like-minded organizations and companies to achieve our common goals for lasting, systematic change.

Consistency is the key to making long-term change—and with your gift, we can keep doing the work for years to come.


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