Bequest Language

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We advise you to obtain the assistance of an attorney when making or revising your will. If you have questions about this material or require additional information about making a provision in your will to benefit Ceres, our staff are pleased to work with you and your advisors.

Suggested language of various bequests include:

Percentage of Estate
“I hereby will, devise, and bequeath to CERES INC, a nonprofit advocacy/alliance organization located in Boston, MA, _________ % of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

Specific Amount of Estate
“I hereby will, devise, and bequeath to CERES INC, a nonprofit advocacy/alliance organization located in Boston, MA, the sum of $_______________ to be used for its general purposes.”

Restricted Use
Prospective Legacy Society members are encouraged to call Ceres before writing a will that includes any type of restriction on a bequest or other deferred gift. We also suggest including one of the following provisions:

A. “However, I impose no legal or equitable obligation in this regard.”

B. “If in the judgment of CERES INC, it becomes, or is likely to become, impossible or impractical to accomplish the purposes of this gift, the income or principal, or both, may be used for such related purposes and in such manner as determined by CERES INC.”

CERES INC tax identification number is 22-3053747

Estate Intention Form


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